Making disciples

that make disciples.

We gather together on Sundays at 9am & 10:30am

Each week we come together to celebrate what God has done through Jesus. We have hope and joy through Christ and we want to share it with everyone we know! Lakes Area Vineyard is a place where everyone is welcome–we all have a past, we all struggle and we all have questions.

Filling out a Connection Card helps you stay connected on upcoming events, announcements, weather-related information, and more!

Do you need prayer for something in your life or those around you? Your request goes to our Prayer Team who will keep the requests confidential.

Are you looking for a practical way to serve God and minister to others? Join a ministry team at Lakes Area Vineyard!


Encounter Jesus

Do you know Jesus? Do you need physical healing, emotional healing, or ministry? God wants to transform your life with His love and power.

  • You were made for a relationship with God.

    We can often feel like something is missing in our lives and try to fill the void with money, success, relationships, and more, but nothing in this world will satisfy us because we were made for a personal relationship with God.

    Like a puzzle with a missing piece, a meal without substance, or a scuba diver with an empty oxygen tank, our lives without Jesus are void of completion, significance, and life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

  • We believe in the power of receiving biblical counsel from trusted believers. God did not create us to walk through life alone, but with one another. Whatever you are walking through right now—marital struggles, doubt, parenting issues, addictions, or grief, to name a few—the body of Christ is here with you.

    LAVC offers appointments with pastors and staff, as well as several ministries geared toward specific challenges and seasons of life.

  • Healing Prayer is the ministry of praying for God's healing. Jesus didn't come just to save our futures, He came to save us today! Healing is offered for many different areas such as physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional situations.

    To sign up for healing prayer please call/text Faith at LAVC (218) 846-1199 or send an email to

  • Personal prayer is an opportunity to schedule an appointment with 2-3 of our trained prayer team members. During this time, the prayer team will listen to the Holy Spirit on your behalf and let Him minister to you. We offer prayer ministry every Sunday after each service as well, but Personal Prayer is a more extended and private session of prayer.

    If you’re interested in booking an appointment, contact our office at 218-846-1199 or

If you’re a new believer or recently made the decision to follow Christ… we want to know! Please consider messaging us and letting us know! We have a special gift of encouragement for you as you begin this new walk with Jesus!

Catch up on previous sermons on our YouTube channel.

Contact Us

Office Hours

Office Number
(218) 846-1199

General LAVC Office

950 Longview Dr.
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501