No matter what stage of life you are in or where you have been, there is a place for you here.
Walking through the doors of a church for the first time can be intimidating and sometimes awkward. Lakes Area Vineyard is a place where everyone is welcome–we all have a past, we all struggle, and we all have questions.
Check out this video explaining better who we are, how we came to be, and what we believe here at Lakes Area Vineyard Church.
Every Sunday morning we invite you to come and have a cup of warm coffee or tea to enjoy during the service. Coffee is a Vineyard staple; we not only love to drink it, but we love being able to serve it to you! We love gathering together as a family and we hope that you’ll join us. In our adult service, you can expect to hear inspiring, modern music as well as an engaging message that is practical, inspiring, and challenging.
Sunday Mornings at Lakes Area Vineyard
One way we worship as a community is with music at the beginning of each service. We invite you to express yourself to God, allowing for interaction with the Holy Spirit.
If you are visiting us in person, prayer ministry is an opportunity each week at the end of the sermon to receive prayer from others in the church who desire to listen to God on your behalf. We believe God loves you, wants to speak to you, and honors the risk it takes to come forward and seek Him.
Our sermons deliver a practical and relevant message based on the Bible. We believe all 66 books of the Bible are the inspired and infallible Word of God. We also believe that it is without error, trustworthy, relevant, and completely authoritative regarding all matters of life and faith. We read and study it at the Vineyard each week and also believe it’s essential to do the same on your own.
You may have some questions…
Some practical questions may be:
If you are a guest feel free to use the visitor parking spots up front next to the handicaped parking!
Parking is on both the east and south sides of the building. Get here early enough and park wherever you’d like.
Got kids? We recommend parking on the south side of the building and using the entrance closest to the Kids’ Check-In.
Please come dressed 😂
Seriously though you can just “come as you are”. Most people dress casually and comfortably. Jeans and a shirt are just fine!
In total services are typically 75 minutes long.
We usually begin with several worship songs. All song lyrics are on the screens so you can easily follow along and we encourage you to participate!
After worship one of our pastors will come out to share a biblical message that challenges us to rethink how we think about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Vineyard Kids is available at every weekend service for kids from birth through 4th grade.
The south-west end of our lobby is our Vineyard Kids area where you’ll see the big Vineyard Kids Check-In desk. For your first visit, you’ll want to give yourself 15 extra minutes to work with the check-in desk attendants to sign your kids up, learn the check-in process, and walk through the Kids’ area to see the rooms.
We have very high security and safety measures and your trust in us is very, very important, and we do not hold it lightly.
You can also check out a tour of our Kids space in the video just above this section.
Our 5th graders are on a transition between leaving elementary school and entering the youth group (grades 6-12). 5th graders will stay in the service during worship and then exit the auditorium afterward where they will meet their leader at the kid’s check-in desk to head to a small group time.
Our youth group students, grades 6-12, gather every Wednesday evening at the church from 6:00-8:30pm with a dinner provided at the beginning of the evening.
Ask us! Our entire serve team wears lanyards that say their names or you can come to our ‘Connection Center’ in the lobby near the main entrance.
Other deeper questions like:
We often say “Come as you, but don’t expect to stay as you are.” Jesus has a way of both comforting our hearts and changing us for the better. There is a place here for you at the Vineyard, and we look forward to getting to know you.
Through faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, we can say that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. All of us fall short of God’s perfection and need forgiveness. Come here for the beautiful grace of God who offers forgiveness, hope, and mercy freely through Jesus.
You are not alone in feeling angry or disappointed with God. Share your feelings with God as it is modeled for us in the bible throughout the book of Psalms. You will have the freedom here to ask questions and to express yourself without fear.
God’s grace can do so much more! He loves you deeply and if you place your faith in Jesus, and confess that He is Lord, then you are forgiven and reduced from the power of sin. The gift of faith won’t make you sinless, yet you will be able to sin less and less. This is all because of the finished work of Jesus on the cross, not because of our good works.
No worries! We will be glad to have you here and hope you find a home with us.
Watch this short video to learn more about our heart for communion at Lakes Area Vineyard Church.
Communion happens one Sunday of the month. We use this time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and actively receive God’s grace into our lives.
Take a tour of our Vineyard Kids space and learn what your kids will experience here on a Sunday morning!
Connection Card
We’d love to hear from you and stay connected! Filling out a Connection Card helps you stay connected on upcoming events, announcements, weather-related information, and more!
Vineyard Voyage
Start your voyage at Lakes Area Vineyard! Join us for this fun, informal opportunity to meet our pastors and staff and learn more about Lakes Area Vineyard Church!